And then I had another shot at one of my all time favourite products to bust - 09-10 Classics! I have pulled On Card autos or Kobe, Blake and Bill Russell out of this product and you can't complain with a product that is full of On Card autos:
That is until you look at the Vet Auto you pull and see the sticker on it!
Apparently the Ellington is prime too!
But overall it was a win because I was able to meet up with the aforementioned @NBASIMMO and complete a deal we have been planning for a few weeks! lol
Here it is:
All 3 colours of 80's NBA Patchiness! (Yes, I am claiming the little bit of purple)
You must have some Houdini like skills to end up with that kind of Magic! Worthy seems to be signing a lot of stuff lately....but still a quality card.