Late week pick ups


Exq Auto Patches rule!
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Got me in some more stuff.

Shaq chase is moving along nicely, with a few more Ultimates:




Some 04-05 Exquisite Jersey Parrallel's



It's Black time!!!!!

One for the set:

The Worm and Thomas Dual Player Jersey

A Noel Ticket Auto

And Sene auto'ed game used RC


ace e - Thanks :D
Yeah, a bit of everything mailday really.

mattyj - :lol: I'm sure there are still some in boxes and packs :lol:
It's not excatly the lowest end product out there, so it will be hard to get much. But my goal is to get 32 of them to match his number, and if successful, 300 to match his weight :rolleyes:

nandalinnaung - Thanks bud :D
The pairings of player have been unique to say the least, a good mix in my books.

Cowboys78 - Glad I could :D
Yeah, Black scan up verey well. The Patches are all crazy, and it's a fun product to go after.

AndrewG23 - Thanks :D

bigsarg7 - Thanks :D
Yeah, I like the Exquisite Parrallel's the best. I think when they are matched p with there peers, they look really neat. Sort of like this:

Now your just being greedy with the shaq ultimates :razz: . Man if i could get 1 of your mail weeks in a year i would be over the moon. If every u get bored with your cards n wanna toss em, i live over here --------->
Now your just being greedy with the shaq ultimates :razz: . Man if i could get 1 of your mail weeks in a year i would be over the moon. If every u get bored with your cards n wanna toss em, i live over here --------->

:lol: Well, for over 14 odd years, I had never been into the whol Multiple collection thing. But after getting an unbeleivable present, I just had to go for some to go along with it. Now that I think about it, I think I have completed the master set :woot:
More great stuff Mike.

How many Shaqs do you have from the Ultimate set?

Stojakovic Exquisite............sweet!

The Blacks look awesome.

More great stuff Mike.

How many Shaqs do you have from the Ultimate set?

Stojakovic Exquisite............sweet!

The Blacks look awesome.


Thanks :D

From the Ultimate set #750, I do I have 7 right now :woot:
It's been slow going i'm afraid, but i'm making progress.

I just realised I had completed the master set, so will show that soon too :woot:

Yeah, I like the Parrallel's a lot. I think they look cool when paired with the counterparts. Sort of like, Base, Gold and Jersey.
i am with rudi.very nice carrie card.the worm one of the best players to watch play and one great player to try and collect so i love the black with him.and congradulations on the exquisite shaq set =D> .
good to see your usual high standard mailday.
tony :D
thats a real highend product mailday...i really like those ud black ticket auto cards- they look so great. also are u going after all shaq ultimate cards? (i have the masterpieces of kobe, pierce and walker from that year and i know that the shaq is in germany or austria- i wanted itn some months ago but it was a lil bit too much for me)
also i am still waiting on maildays of you with cards like the one that u have in your signature :-)

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