Sorry guys I really have no idea what I am doing. I just googled NRL cards and ended up here. I am a little slow and to tell you the truth have no idea about cards seens I was 8 years old. I can keep posting pics of all the collection. All the cards are in mint condition have been very well looked after.
If I can offer some advice it would be sell and get out of here quick.
Like you I found the site a short while ago when I was looking for card values for stuff I collected as a kid.
Everyone on here was great, plenty of advice, great to deal with and friendly, I've sold thousands in cards the past few months. Trouble is no one warned me to watch out for the collecting bug to bite again.
Ive spent every cent and more chasing cards Ive decided I must have and am loving it.
I have not long had a baby so no tine to collect again lol. Thanks for your help. Wouod I be better off selling them in the sets? I have complete sets of 1994 up series 1, 2, 3. I suppose I just keep posting pics.
If I can offer some advice it would be sell and get out of here quick.
Like you I found the site a short while ago when I was looking for card values for stuff I collected as a kid.
Everyone on here was great, plenty of advice, great to deal with and friendly, I've sold thousands in cards the past few months. Trouble is no one warned me to watch out for the collecting bug to bite again.
Ive spent every cent and more chasing cards Ive decided I must have and am loving it.
Inside set tribute to a champion full set. Heros of yesteryear full set.
The invincibles full set.
Record breakers full set.
Roomie sensation full set.
I have not long had a baby so no tine to collect again lol. Thanks for your help. Wouod I be better off selling them in the sets? I have complete sets of 1994 up series 1, 2, 3. I suppose I just keep posting pics.
Probably easiest to try and shift them in sets to start with particularly the base sets. If they don't sell then look at breaking them down into team sets and individual cards. You would probably get more for them selling them individually but chances are you would still have a pile of cards your trying to sell in a couple of years time.
In my experience most of the members on here are pretty good to deal with, if you start a thread in the NRL selling, trading & auctions section listing everything you have with plenty of pictures and open to offers you shouldn't get to many trying to lowball you on price.