Couple of weeks ago, i did remember answering a trivial question set by Matty83 in his free giveaway "rigged" competition. I didn't think too much of it until the prize I received today.
These may not be my PC cards but they sure provided me with a lot of appreciation.
First of all, I opened the padded envelope and saw this bozo the clown of whom I have not even heard of him. Have you?
Then I had 2 veterans, one past and the other current whom aren't exactly the best players.
Then next, I saw these 2 cards which I sort of like the design on this
Things started to look up when I saw this 2, in fact the Battier is a patch /25
I was like going wow wow wow... then next was an auto of a player which I believed is truely under-appreciated but I like him
I never never never expected this card to arrive........a logoman
Don't care about the players on the card... it is just beautiful looking at the logo.
Well, Matty83, you are true champ in the OzCardTrader Community and you really made my day. And of course I had to thank this next fellow of which I guess his name correctly
These may not be my PC cards but they sure provided me with a lot of appreciation.
First of all, I opened the padded envelope and saw this bozo the clown of whom I have not even heard of him. Have you?
Then I had 2 veterans, one past and the other current whom aren't exactly the best players.
Then next, I saw these 2 cards which I sort of like the design on this
Things started to look up when I saw this 2, in fact the Battier is a patch /25
I was like going wow wow wow... then next was an auto of a player which I believed is truely under-appreciated but I like him
I never never never expected this card to arrive........a logoman
Don't care about the players on the card... it is just beautiful looking at the logo.
Well, Matty83, you are true champ in the OzCardTrader Community and you really made my day. And of course I had to thank this next fellow of which I guess his name correctly