kobe bryant 81pt auction!!

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someone needs to start a thread of weird ebay auctions.
3 classics i recall
some nutta hippie sellen a air guitar
a ghost in a coffin sold for a few grand 2 beleive it or not
and a sandwhich with cheese melted to be sent in an envelope, and he stated if its a bit damp its just the melted cheese. :D
I've seen some weird stuff go on eBay before.

One seller tried to sell the pubic hairs from his female flatmate on eBay once. hehhe....He also included "pictures" of the chick in the auction.

Another auction that creeped me out was a "haunted rubber ducky"
Apparently the duck would make strange sounds when placed in the bath tub. It was sold for $15 bucks.
That auction had over 200'000 hits during the 3 day auction!
oh yeah, my bad it was a jar of water actually. Billy i said "Jar of Air!" because i was conforming what nvd001 said, that yes i thought it was a jar of air. unfortuantely i was mistaken, it was actually a jar of water.
The guy had stated he had a hole in his basement where all the Lakers points went. So when Kobe scored 81 he collected all the water and put it into a Jar.

Where do people come up with this stuff ?
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