Just got back from New Years at my folks place - took me till today to recover but this arriving in the mail helped.
This is Garnett's first ever auto - released in 95-96 in the Signature rookie set. He also signed cards in another set or 2 that year but this is from his first set and I managed to hook the jersey numbered version!!
My 3rd KG #21/ auto and my highest numbered #21/ card at #21/1000 - which asks the question....would u rather have a card #21/25 or a card #21/1000??
That's what i thought but I did a bit of research - it says 1 of 13,000 but the first 1,000 were signed.
And KG's auto looked different back then cos he did it different he was only 19 or 20 or something - I know my sig has changed since then. I've seen plenty of KG's old sigs and they look similar to this. Trust me I checked it out well and truly first as I thought the same....
Thanks Mr KG!! Appreciate that!! Yeah sick stats!! 25 and 17 and 6 blks!!
There was actually 2 other snipes for it inc a guy called steveareno4 who always beats me with snipes so was pleased to land this puppy