JZA's mailweek


the ginger ninja
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Nothing spectacular but a nice consistent quality batch of mail this week.

Starting with a card ive been trying to procure for many many months, you'd think they wouldn't be that rare but they are. Now i just need to find a Ewing patch (one of the rarest bloody cards in existence it seems :mad:) to finally complete the Patrick Ewing collection.

99/00 EX essential credentials future Patrick Ewing #/58


Westy beat me on another of these beauties on ebay, but im stoked with this one, 2 nice 3 clr patches and low numbered too.

Walt Frazier significant numbers dual patch #/35


and to finish, some autos of old and new school

Marques Johnson auto

Elton Brand auto

Manu Ginobili auto

Dwight Howard auto (ive never seen a card look so sweet in hand, but scan so horribly, scans dont do these cards justice at all)

and finally a guy whose auto ive wanted for years but he never signed, one of the greatest cavaliers of all time, mark price!


thanks for looking guys, check ya next time. :wave:
another nice mailday jza. Love the Walt Frazier significant numbers dual patch, sweet looking patches. Niice pick up on the Dwight Howard auto (you are right about how poorly those cards scan up). Great addition with the Price, a pity the Dragons treated him so poorly.
Yeah those Sp scan up crook, glad they went away from the gold caus eof the small scratches. That price is sick too, my fav is the ewing cause I know how hard old low #'d inserts are to get!=D>=D>
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