Just busted a box of sp game used
andrea bargnani #843/999
jj redick 357/999
jr pinndox 57/100
then the hits
frye jersey all blue
bogut jsy all purple
dwigh howard jersey all silver
duncan jersey all black
francis patch 4 colors number to 25
and daul auto tyson chandler/ andrew bogut signifcnce auto redemption
not a bad break
then my dad said got 2 more packs for a good report card
pack 1
caron butler jersey with a paul davis rc #999
pack 2
dual auto jersey paul pierce and big al and al swatch all green
nice cards i have to say
andrea bargnani #843/999
jj redick 357/999
jr pinndox 57/100
then the hits
frye jersey all blue
bogut jsy all purple
dwigh howard jersey all silver
duncan jersey all black
francis patch 4 colors number to 25
and daul auto tyson chandler/ andrew bogut signifcnce auto redemption
not a bad break
then my dad said got 2 more packs for a good report card
pack 1
caron butler jersey with a paul davis rc #999
pack 2
dual auto jersey paul pierce and big al and al swatch all green
nice cards i have to say