Basketball auto is a little faded, but holding up alright considering it is about 31-32 years old. It is inscribed with 'Best Wishes' his full name signature which he doesn't do anymore. Pretty happy with that one.
I've actually got another nice full name signature from 1985/1986... again slightly different signing style, but I haven't got a photo of it on my phone at the moment. Might take a photo of it later and put it up.
Lost my passion for mj autos after a certain @kiwi_in_melb snaked me on that wizards one. He told me he would give it to me for saying nice things about New Zealand but now he's reneged
Lost my passion for mj autos after a certain @kiwi_in_melb snaked me on that wizards one. He told me he would give it to me for saying nice things about New Zealand but now he's reneged