Not to sure if anyone has posted this up yet, but saw it late the other night and have waited for a decent youtube post to bring it to everyones attention.....this is pherhaps the funniest interview i've seen on letterman.....not exactly sure what Mr Phoenix is on but he is seriously spaced out on something....makes for very interesting viewing....
Apparently he's making a 'mockumentary' (Think Spinal Tap) with Casey Affleck, and what you see is basically the character he'll be portraying as himself - Joaquin Phoenix, suffering from Anxiety/Depression, tired and over acting, on God knows what, looking to make some moves in the Rap game. I don't buy that for a minute.
Should be pretty good if it's true (The mockumentary rumors), I mean he's going to great lengths at staying in character when in the public eye and I highly doubt his PR team have just let him hit rock bottom and continue to make a fool of himself.
If it's not an act then we're watching a real live train wreck.... River Phoenix anyone?
I think he is acting, you can see him trying to not laugh at times. Youd think he would get more pissed at people laughing at him if this was something he was serious about.
Check this out ben stiller does it perfect
Joaquin is more influenced by Andy Kaufman than Rakim, Ice Cube, Chuck D or any Wu-Tang beat. If this isn't a major joke set up for the media then I think Mr. Phoenix will hit rock bottom very soon, but I'm 95% sure this is a major stunt that will end up brining in just as much money as the next film he could have made... what's more is I think he's having alot of fun doing with this.