Completed iversonsars and gemz23


The Flash!
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i get:
$$$ and the following cards:
05-06 spx Andrew bogut GU winning materials
05-06 hardcourt materials Desmond mason
05-06 hardcourt materials Ronald murray

iversonsars gets:
yao ming ultimate signature patches #25

i agree to this deal.
hi mate ur cards post out today:
05-06 spx Andrew bogut GU winning materials
05-06 hardcourt materials Desmond mason
05-06 hardcourt materials Ronald murray

will make the payment in next week.. thx
iversonsars said:
Card received today (love the card)
Will make the payment by next monday...
thx alot mate.
i received ur stuff as well today thanks mate. btw just left me know when u pay so i can check my account for it.

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