pre-edit, edit:
Sorry for the posters, but they're required today.... (aren't they always??)
Here we go guys!!
First off, not quite the "DAL" White Whale some were hoping to see, but this one:
06-07 Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Press Plates Yellow #34 White Whale #1/1
This sucka is SOOOOOO damn nice.
I'll have to get it graded, it's in damn great nic!
Been after it for a fair while...
03-04 Finest Refractor Gold #7/25
I finally got my chance to bid on it...
But first... sorry to drag it out.
Thanks to Justo (Spree_Fan) who's Bro helped me secure this. The seller would not ship outside US. So after asking, Bill was able to whack the bid up on it, with about 13 seconds left on the Auction! Talk about manual snipe!!! lol.
They posted it a few weeks back, but we've been waiting for it to show up.
It was opened at Quarantined, as something "suspicious showed up on the X-Ray"....
Anyways, I got it today, the Postie waited outside while I got up, and went out, as I had to sign for it.
Here tis...
Without further blab blab...
But not the only...
2004-05 Exquisite Collection Dual Scripted Swatches Auto w/ Childress #1/5!!!!
Thanks guys, and sorry for the suspense buildup...
Sorry for the posters, but they're required today.... (aren't they always??)
Here we go guys!!
First off, not quite the "DAL" White Whale some were hoping to see, but this one:
06-07 Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Press Plates Yellow #34 White Whale #1/1
This sucka is SOOOOOO damn nice.
I'll have to get it graded, it's in damn great nic!
Been after it for a fair while...
03-04 Finest Refractor Gold #7/25
I finally got my chance to bid on it...
But first... sorry to drag it out.
Thanks to Justo (Spree_Fan) who's Bro helped me secure this. The seller would not ship outside US. So after asking, Bill was able to whack the bid up on it, with about 13 seconds left on the Auction! Talk about manual snipe!!! lol.
They posted it a few weeks back, but we've been waiting for it to show up.
It was opened at Quarantined, as something "suspicious showed up on the X-Ray"....
Anyways, I got it today, the Postie waited outside while I got up, and went out, as I had to sign for it.
Here tis...
Without further blab blab...
But not the only...
2004-05 Exquisite Collection Dual Scripted Swatches Auto w/ Childress #1/5!!!!
Thanks guys, and sorry for the suspense buildup...