ISO/WTB - 2018 Star Wars Galaxy
Im chasing some 2018 Star Wars Galaxy parallels
**I should add, if anyone has ANY printing plates from this release, im keen to purchase**
Interested to trade OR purchase
I do have US, UK or AU address to receive
If trading, i post from AU, will post worldwide
#/25 - ORANGE parallels
#7 Rey The Scavenger
#11 Hero of the Resistance
#25 Jyn Erso's Purpose
#32 Rebel Jyn Erso
#33 The Two Tubes Brothers of Jedha
#39 The Rebel Commander
#53 The Podrace
#71 The Tatooine Gangster
#81 The End of the Jedi
#83 Boba Fett's Bounty
#87 The Frozen Plains of Hoth
#90 Captain and Co pilot
#96 Departing Bespin
#97 The Palace and the Band
#99 The Emperor's Wrath
#/99 - PURPLE parallels
#7 Rey the Scavenger
#20 Rising Light in the Darkness
#25 Jyn Erso's Purpose
#46 Luke Skywalkers' Journey
#51 The First Order's Enforcer
#79 The Birth of Darth Vader
#97 The Palace and the Band
Interested in any GALAXY printing plates