Hello everyone, I'm not sure if you can post this kind of stuff under this category but I need some help! So I found this card....
My question is do you think it is worth $45 delivered? The thing about Ben is for his Bulls and Cavs years you don't find cards with matching jersey patches. So this one I guess is rare for him. I know you guys will say "is it worth it to you" well yes but I don't want to be dumb and overpay for a card that isn't worth that much. It's not a 1/1 so it's not going to disappear forever. Just let me know what you guys think. Thanks!
I have seen better patches of the B. Wallace, but..... That set is notorious for horrible 1 colour Patches, don't be surprised if that 2 clr is still one of the better ones out there.
I have seen better patches of the B. Wallace, but..... That set is notorious for horrible 1 colour Patches, don't be surprised if that 2 clr is still one of the better ones out there.