Cyberforce Summer by Dynamic/Intrepid probably came out at the wrong time,
with marvel and other US non-sport stuff dominating, Cyberforce had no chance.
whilst in Australia, most non-sport cards at the time were being produced to 10,000 boxes, compared to US marvel issues of 250,000+ boxes, 10,000 was pretty good.
Intrepid made just 2500 numbered boxes of Cyberforce, and send them overseas aswell, you think it would sell out in a flash, but it was no comparison to what was out there at the time so it didn't sell too well, and think it was one of the final straws for dynamc/intrepid.
Personally I wish that dynamic stuck with sports and left non-sports to others, especially with nrl cards, I would still be collecting nrl if dynamic was doing them.
I had a ball with fatty's footy fun packs!
anyways, there was 150 numbered promo boxes issued aswell, also came with the regular 3 card promo set.
many of these promo boxes were sent to Top Cow in the US 'cos they were the licence holders of cyberforce and the rest were given to dealers, some club members and staff.
I have box 080/150 for sale, sealed, plus the 3 promo cards.
box contains 36 packs like normal, not sure if the packs are normal or rumoured hot packs, never busted a box to see.
$150 plus post
with marvel and other US non-sport stuff dominating, Cyberforce had no chance.
whilst in Australia, most non-sport cards at the time were being produced to 10,000 boxes, compared to US marvel issues of 250,000+ boxes, 10,000 was pretty good.
Intrepid made just 2500 numbered boxes of Cyberforce, and send them overseas aswell, you think it would sell out in a flash, but it was no comparison to what was out there at the time so it didn't sell too well, and think it was one of the final straws for dynamc/intrepid.
Personally I wish that dynamic stuck with sports and left non-sports to others, especially with nrl cards, I would still be collecting nrl if dynamic was doing them.
I had a ball with fatty's footy fun packs!
anyways, there was 150 numbered promo boxes issued aswell, also came with the regular 3 card promo set.
many of these promo boxes were sent to Top Cow in the US 'cos they were the licence holders of cyberforce and the rest were given to dealers, some club members and staff.
I have box 080/150 for sale, sealed, plus the 3 promo cards.
box contains 36 packs like normal, not sure if the packs are normal or rumoured hot packs, never busted a box to see.
$150 plus post