It was a big ol' mailday. And the camera phone is delivering the usual high-powered, super-clear photos you'd expect from a brand new and heavily-advertised Nokia:
Jason Kapono, who'll be even better next year:
Two Lionel Chalmers. The fourth best guy named Lionel to play in the NBA:
Some Debut Ink, Bernard Robinson and C.J. Miles:
Reece Gaines, the best player ever named Reece. Maybe:
A pretty good K-Mart #/50:
Some GUs:
3D Dimensions with Billups, Yao and O'Neal:
Some other randoms:
Kandi Man, one of Philip Glass' biggest fans:
Baron Davis #/50:
Steve Francis 2-Colour:
Darko, who is expected to live up to his supposed potential some time around 2078
There are two CJ autos up there, it's true. But he's so amazing I thought people would have to see the card twice to believe that I really have a CJ auto.
I love the Odoms! Straight into the 'really good cards' folder.
There are two CJ autos up there, it's true. But he's so amazing I thought people would have to see the card twice to believe that I really have a CJ auto.
I love the Odoms! Straight into the 'really good cards' folder.