In Honor of my 1st Positive Feedback!


Feedback - 100%
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Thank you Aussie bros and especially DRob!
Incredible taste in cards as always. Why haven't you bought that Sprewell on eBay yet Aaron??? :)

I started to go after the 09/10 Exq Patches /10, but they literally NEVER come up. So I quit, ha ha.
^^^^O sweet sweet rc exquisite collector. Give it about a week and you'll have your answer about why I haven't picked that one up YET.

Now about those 09/10's. I know 1 other guy who collects them hard and they are damn hard to find like you're saying. I just stick to the 03-04 myself so I can't speak on it too much but it seems like that last year are hard as hell to find as well.
You never forget your first......positive feedback that is. Actually, that isn't true, but thanks for the sharing the Exqusiite goodies! Hopefully much more feedback (positive) to come!
Skip. Thank you so much. I'm from Texas but everyone has been so friendly and accommodating on here that I don't have a single bad thing to say. It's all been great. The basketball knowledge on here is fantastic (and that's coming from a former division 1 basketball player). Other than yalls crazy high postage, i like it here, and plan to stay a while! :-D
Since there have been some validity questions about the Jason Kidd patch, I have included these 5 pictures to clearly prove that the card has not been altered in any way and is just one of those very rare patch copies that made it into the jersey set. The minor chipping obviously comes from the way the 03-04 UD Exquisite cards were boxed as everyone knows.






Well i am permanently banned from BO so i can't defend myself but i was also at that san Antonio show specifically to have that kidd checked out. 90% came back positively real, 2 guys said leaning towards real, and 1 said fake. I've posted pictures from every angle to show zero signs of tampering in any way. No bends, no slice marks, no looseness of the patch. I will gladly call it a fake and throw it in the trash if anyone can show me the 9/25 qith a normal jersey in it. I've been as open as humanly possible and will continue to be so.


Well i am permanently banned from BO so i can't defend myself but i was also at that san Antonio show specifically to have that kidd checked out. 90% came back positively real, 2 guys said leaning towards real, and 1 said fake. I've posted pictures from every angle to show zero signs of tampering in any way. No bends, no slice marks, no looseness of the patch. I will gladly call it a fake and throw it in the trash if anyone can show me the 9/25 qith a normal jersey in it. I've been as open as humanly possible and will continue to be so.


Yeah unfortunately that's the nature of the beast. I know how much of an honest seller you are mate. Some will always be sceptical.

I've seen SOOOOOO many 1 coloured Patches in this set that I wouldn't be shocked if Exquisite put some Patches in the /25 version.

All you can do is be as honest as possible and see what happens.

Why are you selling that Kidd? Is it because you have 2?
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