"Im so sick of all the Panini Parallel's" Kobe Mailday


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eBay User
All the ridiculous parallels have been ruining my love for the hobby. (586 serialled parallels in 13-14 release already!)

Other than crusade, Ive decided to basically not buy any para's and only go for Base, basic inserts, Jerseys and Auto's.

Please see below my latest additions:

I hear ya on the parallels I have decided to just get one of the higher end ones and leave the rest alone... way too many causes too much stress trying to chase them all down!
im with you mate, as a k love collector it crazy how many are out there , so i jusy buy/trade what i like now... nice court kings kobe , my fav.
I wholeheartedly agree mate. Too many of them makes it less fun and more of a hassle to try and collect.

That's why I enjoy the early 90s stuff an never really got into anything more recent.

Tried court kings, but even they have too many parallels for my liking.

Hopefully 14-15 series will not be as hectic.
Can't wait for NBA HOOPS to come out in October.
Parallel overload indeed - have to say that;s one hell of a nice rainbow in your signature though. ;-)
@skip20 i like it too, but it now reminds me of the days when each release only had one kobe 1/1, not 15x different Kobe 1/1s

Its also massively decreased in value since I bought it, due to there being nearly 100 kobe 1/1s this year alone...

Now they can sell for less than $200