I'm back & Apalogy

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Hi everyone,

I am back. I'm sorry for the way I conducted myself on Facebook as that was the reason I was banned. What happened has been rectified, I have found the card and am sending to Austin. The initial error occurred when I was given the wrong address and the card never arrived. I am sorry I conducted myself the way I did but as you can imagine, I was extremely frustrated at the time as I knew I had sent the card!

I hope everyone welcomes me back and I realise my mistake.

Before I left I had an outstanding deal with someone trading cards, I'm not sure who you are (sorry I can't remember). I owe you 3 misprint parallel cards, PLEASE PLEASE reply to this thread!! His picture was a rabbitohs logo. I has every plan to send his cards but was banned before i recieved an address, so please someone tell me who this is so I can send his cards.

Now that I've done apologising, I should introduce myself as I've never had a chance to do so.

My name is Dane Clarke and I live on the Gold Coast and love everything rugby league. I've played for the Ormeau Shearers for 10 years previously and on my 11th season, I missed out from an outstanding arm injury I received playing up in under 18's. I was the third person in club history to play 150 games for the Shearers and I'm very proud of this :)
I was apart of the under 16 Gold Coast academy of sport rugby league development squad.
My most recent footy was at Confro school boys which was held on the gold coast this year. I played for my school team as a utility lock/halfback.

Football cards is a hobby I picked up from my younger brother, which has been very pleasant and enjoyable up until the recent incident. I'm 17 years old and completing my year 12 studies whilst completing my secondary education.

Well thats about all from me :) Thanks for having me back ozcard, and once again I apolagise for how I acted on Facebook and hope to represent this website in a more mature manner.
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