If I ever get like this I will give it away.

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Autographed Memorabilia
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If I ever get like this I will give all my signatures away.
Over the weekend a team was leaving where they were playing they were in a bar relaxing waiting to leave when the area when I so called man pulls up in his car and has a couple of kids in the car.
He sits in the car and sends the kids into the pub to get cards signed.The kids were as you'd as 8 maybe 9 years old even low it's illegal to have kids in a pub unattended,the kids get some cards signed they head back to the car where they are handed more cards to get signed one player signed 41 cards before the kids were told to go away as you can imagine that's not what theses kids were told.
When getting signatures it's a privalege not a right.
You know today I got 117 cards signed by the roosters but anyone who know me would say that not that great.
Buti know most of theses guys.
But theplayers ask me and they know me and know I sell them but to hide like that not right.
Because I know I will have problems selling benjis because of the signatures they are crackers.
Get over yourself jaames.
When the last time you paid a player to sign or make a appearance.
I saw a player yesterday tell someone to fcuk off because he's their every week.
I hate people that just do it to sell :(
Makes it harder for us collectors to collect, especially when a seller gets to a player just in front of you and hands the player 10+ cards to sign & all I want is 1 or 2

I agree - these guys flogging autos on ebay just wreck it for everyone else that wants the odd auto for their collection.
I can tell you a lot are starting to do that and their are some players who are starting to sign the back of the card not the front.
I'm not sure what side of the argument you're on here mate, in your first post your condemning 'sig pigs', but then you say you got 117 cards signed yourself? Admittedly there is a big difference between getting kids to get them signed and getting it done yourself, but it's still 'sig pigging', no?
If i get the chance to get any cards signed (which is about once a year) it is 1 of each, for example i have a folder specially made up to hold the cards and each page holds about 12 cards, if i meet up with ...lets say Hindmarsh, i will have about 6 cards on the page, all different to the next because those 6 are what i need to finish his signed cards set..........and if he wants too he can sign them all , and they usually do because they are all different and they are happy too because i am not being a sig pig, i have seen one former eel tell some short fat guy with no hair to nick off because he had a stack of the same card, i think that giving the player the option to sign what they want is respectful to both the player and to the opportunity to get the cards signed.
At a game last year i had a couple of eels ask before they even saw the cards if what i have is for ebay and when they saw i only had 1 of each they were happy to sign them all and we even talked about the "Sig Pigs" and that the "Sig Pigs" were starting to be known to players specially in the sydney area.

Sig Pigs are blight on card collecting as a whole and i wish they would all just F$%K off before they ruin it for everyone.
Players are caught in a catch 22, when the kids come up to them, they know the kids are getting them signed for some eBay sellers, but if they refuse some Politically Correct person will be calling the media saying so and so refused to sign for this poor kid, no win situation...
eBay has been good for the trading card hobby BUT also bad in other ways, there was never a problem getting auto's, but once people realised they could get auto's and sell them on eBay it has ruined it for the 'honest' collector...
Jaames is your last comment aimed at me??? WTF if it is dude. I only collect cards don't sell and the only time I ever ask for more then one of the same card is if I'm getting one for other members on here or friends & I always ask the player nicely & never give more then 4 at the most. Normally if I give even 4 it's 4 different ones again unless I'm getting for someone else.
Jaames is your last comment aimed at me??? WTF if it is dude. I only collect cards don't sell and the only time I ever ask for more then one of the same card is if I'm getting one for other members on here or friends & I always ask the player nicely & never give more then 4 at the most. Normally if I give even 4 it's 4 different ones again unless I'm getting for someone else.

Mate wasn't aimed at you at all, sorry if it came across that way. It was aimed at the thread starter.
So....... wondering whether I should get involved in this one. Yes I get alot of signatures, some people would class me as a sig pig. But I don't want to make 1 cent out of players autographs. Im happy helping people build their IP collections and visa versa. I am trying to build my IP collection by getting extra swaps. I was there at the airport and COASTSPORT24 has been using kids for capital gains for years. One time he had around 9 kids at the airport smashing every player in the place whilst he sit in his minibus in the carpark. Its wrong and I am happy to inform any player of an Ebay seller if I know they are.

I could go on about a very, very funny story that happened at Titans training today but you probaby already know about this Corey. Im not afraid to say, I told the person involved to inform the players and he did. That particular guy would sell his own mother on Ebay if he could. I don't care if he finds out the order came from me either, he will have a hard time threatening to punch me in the face, like he did to the person at the field. If he does threaten me. I know the Titans players on a personal level and I will make it impossible for him to get another autograph out of any Titans players in the future.
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