I reckon this is shonky.........................


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Check this out, here is a sketch drawn by Gary Kezele, a well known Star Wars artist, which I now own

Commission Piece by GK - Han Solo.jpg

Now check out this auction on ebay (US) and tell me what you think.

Star Wars sketch card Han Solo ACEO by Humble Modesto not part of Galaxy 6 set | eBay

or if you don't want to follow the link, here is the image on ebay.com


Commission Piece by GK - Han Solo.jpg

Hmm, is this an 'appropriated' piece perhaps ? Using an artists work as influence and mildly changing it to a different style. So 'borrowing' elements of an artwork, to make a new artwork.

I think it is legal to appropriate art, but I could be wrong.

It's what Andy Warhol did with that pop art stuff.
I.E Campbells soup can, and appropriated the colours differently ? I think he got away with it.
Actually, the pose seems generally familiar to me. It may be from a poster or something originally as Pablo suggested, same source inspiration.
I found the original when I did a google search for han solo (images), so stock inspiration but different interpretation............all good for me.

What the other artists has done (aside from adding color) is slanted Han's head ever so slightly. At first I thought they'd done the mouth differently but upon further looks it is the angle of the head. It's slight, but if you keep on looking you can see it.
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