ahh well, after much soul searching, I talked to my manager and accepted the job...
the travels gonna be a bitch, but I worked out cost wise its actually better, I'll save money! Leaving home at 6:30 and getting home at 6:30 I'll just have to suck up and cop it...people do worse!
Im glad you got your job!!!! At least the job as a good pay packet...Makes it all worth it. I got my licence in S.A at the age of 16 so I have had my licence for donkey years now.I would be lost without. I live in the country..No buses,trains or taxi's where I live.
Congrats on taking it Trey. It can be difficult to deal with, especially during winter (when it's dark & cold), but I remember when I was getting home same time (or later), as the days got longer I always enjoyed the view of longer daylight (especially since I got a coastal view).
Chad - You don't need a driver's license in SA. These days, you can almost get anywhere on public transport (it's the fact that the services don't meet, and you spend hours waiting around that's a pain). In January, my car died, and I recently got it fixed up and on the road a few weeks ago, so I relied on public transport for work & meetings.