I was previously collecting the 2009-10 SP Game Used Tag Team Quads. The entire set of ones numbered out of 10. There were 94 of them. I made it to 93, but then the one remaining card NEVER appeared. I asked Upper Deck who told me it was packed out. Yet it never showed. After a couple of years I started selling them off.
That's it!! That's the one that I needed!
It has taken until 2014 for this friecken card to show up???????
I'm already down on this hobby, then I see this. It's like a kick in the nuts.
Thankfully I didn't hold on this long or I'd have been a hair-torn-out-angryfella!
Collection is still here. I'm just so stunned. 5 damn years for this card to show? It MUST have been a redemption replacement, that's the only thing I can think of.
It's actually kind of ironic... I discovered the card while searching for some of my own last few Tag Teams that were listed for me by my friend (to see if they were showing in the search results). Otherwise I'd never have known. Perfect timing eh...
Still, when you think about it, 94 cards, 10 of each in production. Quite possible they simply weren't being busted, or they weren't hitting the open markets.
Already there's 2 shown in this thread.
I remember back about 2005/06 (ish), I was chasing VERY HARD a 04-05 Ultra Platinum Medallion for Devin Harris (13 in production), and had literally seen just 2 hit ebay over the course of time. One went to a fellow collector, the other somewhere else I never kept track of. I even considered buying boxes JUST to try to pull one myself, knowing full well that they were so rare, they just weren't hitting the markets, either as they were not for sale, or simply weren't being pulled in packs.
When Fleer went arse-up, I knew my chances of getting one would soon become smaller and smaller. I ended up getting the one from my fellow collector after he parted ways with his PC.
Still, when you think about it, 94 cards, 10 of each in production. Quite possible they simply weren't being busted, or they weren't hitting the open markets.
The thing is, they were. They were very popular and busted heavily. I've also seen every single card in the 100 card set (see my gallery) - including the ones numbered to only two, and multiple of the one numbered to six, yet never saw this common one to ten. It's just madness.