I decided to trade my Lebron/ Jordan artifacts dual patch #/5

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I don't want to keep this card anymore so I am looking for a trade specially for NHL cards, but it can be NBA or NFL high end too !


Serious enquiries only ! Players I am collecting are in signature !

that is a sweet card... I dont have any of the players in your want list.... is there no other NBA player that will do it !

What sort of value do you have on the dual material card ?
Hey dude that´s a nice dual patch , but what happen with upper deck is really tiny patch, so we will seen a michael jordan patch with a 10x luope in a card
to @ll, ths for postings
about the bv, i refused a 600$ one, the guy just had small 10$ cards and i have 2 550$ bv offers which are serious
Jordan23 can't open your bucket, need a code or something
collectorGALLORE, looks like you have nothing for that card

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