Thats bad new's mate.I now how you feel.They can't find my Black letter"E"auto #/50...& that was sent reg' mail.....They can't find it in their record's.How's that for great service.It's getting beyond a joke.They are just to lazy to get off their asses to look.
sorry to hear about the card not showing up mike.what card are you so desperate to get ? maybe check the back of your letter box it might be jam and all bent up at the back of it.just like the last bent card you received
So far that hasn't happened to me (touch wood) but I can only imagine how frustrating it would be !
I recently bought a new mobile phone of eBay and was stressing when it didn't arrive on time.......I contacted the seller and got no initial response but the phone turned up and the seller has sent me a 1Gig memory stick for the phone (To say sorry about the delay) So I am pretty happy with that result !
Thats bad new's mate.I now how you feel.They can't find my Black letter"E"auto #/50...& that was sent reg' mail.....They can't find it in their record's.How's that for great service.It's getting beyond a joke.They are just to lazy to get off their asses to look.