Huge mail.......


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So it's been a little while since I posted a mail day, 11-12 silhouettes rarely come up these days and I can never find any 12-13 silhouettes for what i believe to be a decent price. I did manage to buy and trade for a few really nice ones from members of the forum so you have probably seen them before but just thought id do a mail thread.

First up is from the 12-13 set and a great looking patch #/15.

Glad I got this one because it is a great card and arguably one of Wilkins best patch cards.

Next up is from the 11-12 set #/25.

This is easily the best Cheeks patch I have seen from this set and have been meaning to get it for quite some time.

Another one from the 11-12 set #/10

Awesome card and one of only 2 Hill Primes I've seen available since I started collecting silhouettes around a year ago. Never thought id be able to get this card but so happy that i did.

Lastly one more from the 11-12 set and the card that makes this mail day truly huge. Most people have seen this card plenty of times but it's still so damn nice to look at I thought I'd share it again especially now I can call it mine. I think I first asked about this card near the start of the year but never thought I'd be able to afford it or that the member would ever move it, but panini continued to pump out high end and fortunately for me it became available.

A beauty #/5.

Great patch.


A HUGE thanks to Terry and Nick for working with me on deals to get these cards, I'm having a lot of fun finding these cards and getting them in hand to add to the set.

Thanks for looking.
Sweet merciful crap!!!!

They are unreal. I have seen most before, but it's more impressive when they are all together!
Crap! Why did i look in this thread? :mad::cry::cry::cry:

Glad to have helped with the set chase mate, that Hill is a ripper aswell. IMO this is one of the best maildays of 2013 so far but i am slightly biased. GP the real :goat:
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