I am getting a lot of Game Used stuff. All NBA.
Most of them are Jersey, some are cheap Auto.
Each will be $4.
LMK who you want, then I will go through the box and list them for you.
Don't know if this works without having list, but I will give it a try
Hi, only Ewing Auto I have left is 03-04 Exquisite Limited Logos Auto Patch #/75.
Not planning to trade, only good offer will take it. LMK if you like. Thanks.
Hi, here's what I got for your wants:
All from 07-08 UD Artifacts...
Bobby Jones Divisional Jersey #/250
Ben Gordon Divisional Jersey #/250
Kirilenko/Miller Conference Pairings Dual Jersey #/150
Q.Richardson/Haslem Conference Pairings Dual Jersey #/150
Dee Brown Autofacts Auto
Renaldo Balkman Autofacts Auto
Paul Milisap Autofacts Auto
LMK if you need some, thanks.
>wannabe all-stars
Hi, no EX stuff but have these Marbury:
03-04 UD Glass Clearcut Winners Jersey #/350
05-06 SPx Winning Materials Dual Jersey
Also has higher end Marbury Auto and Auto Patch available. Scan on my bucket.
LMK if you need these, thanks!
Hi, only Ewing Auto I have left is 03-04 Exquisite Limited Logos Auto Patch #/75.
Not planning to trade, only good offer will take it. LMK if you like. Thanks.
Hi, here's what I got for your wants:
All from 07-08 UD Artifacts...
Bobby Jones Divisional Jersey #/250
Ben Gordon Divisional Jersey #/250
Kirilenko/Miller Conference Pairings Dual Jersey #/150
Q.Richardson/Haslem Conference Pairings Dual Jersey #/150
Dee Brown Autofacts Auto
Renaldo Balkman Autofacts Auto
Paul Milisap Autofacts Auto
LMK if you need some, thanks.
>wannabe all-stars
Hi, no EX stuff but have these Marbury:
03-04 UD Glass Clearcut Winners Jersey #/350
05-06 SPx Winning Materials Dual Jersey
Also has higher end Marbury Auto and Auto Patch available. Scan on my bucket.
LMK if you need these, thanks!
Hi, only Ewing Auto I have left is 03-04 Exquisite Limited Logos Auto Patch #/75.
Not planning to trade, only good offer will take it. LMK if you like. Thanks.
Hi, here's what I got for your wants:
All from 07-08 UD Artifacts...
Bobby Jones Divisional Jersey #/250
Ben Gordon Divisional Jersey #/250
Kirilenko/Miller Conference Pairings Dual Jersey #/150
Q.Richardson/Haslem Conference Pairings Dual Jersey #/150
Dee Brown Autofacts Auto
Renaldo Balkman Autofacts Auto
Paul Milisap Autofacts Auto
LMK if you need some, thanks.
>wannabe all-stars
Hi, no EX stuff but have these Marbury:
03-04 UD Glass Clearcut Winners Jersey #/350
05-06 SPx Winning Materials Dual Jersey
Also has higher end Marbury Auto and Auto Patch available. Scan on my bucket.
LMK if you need these, thanks!
I have Horace Grant 98-99 SPA Sign of the Times Auto but not from $4 cheap box.
No Paul Davis nor Nate Thurmond. Thanks.
>wannabe all-stars
Will PM you on Marbury Auto Patch 1/10 and Auto Gold 1/2.
Hi, I have 07-08 SPGU Alonzo Mourning Authentic Fabrics Jersey available.
None for other players at this moment.
Hi, do you consider Telfair in Blazers Jersey? If so, I have some. Also Ebi Auto from RC.
Have Craig Smith and Foye also, and Big Al if interested in Celtics Jersey. LMK so that I can make a list. Thanks.
Hi, only 1 Gay. 06-07 Bowman Sterling Rudy Gay Jersey
LMK if it works. Thanks.