huge ebay win, celebrity auto style

I would love to get the Al Bundy one!

I understand that UD have held back 4 of the better auto cards to be part of their "Random Celebrity Auto program" similar to the fleer auto buybacks.

I read that Fergie from the Black Eyed peas was one of those being held back for the redemption cards.

Not sure but I dont think I've seen an Al Bundy/Peg Bundy or a Greg Brady up on the bay yet?

I did read Fergie was one of the ones held back.

I bet they will hold the Al Bundy one as that is going to be the most popuar out of the celeb cards! Nice pick up by the way!
What about Buck..? This is a funny concept for a release.

Matt, if you find out what other autos have been held back can you let us know. I've been keeping an eye out for the Michael Madsen but haven't come across any just yet.
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