hsv006 Old perth boy Feedback - 100% 454 0 0 May 12, 2006 #1 Stevo HAPPILY receives Corry maggette LEgends of the draht Patch #1/25 BigAl will in return receive Cuts and glory miles auto jersey..chump change..bazooka jr smith jersey and a bonus card as a thankyou !! Posting tommorrow al thanks again
Stevo HAPPILY receives Corry maggette LEgends of the draht Patch #1/25 BigAl will in return receive Cuts and glory miles auto jersey..chump change..bazooka jr smith jersey and a bonus card as a thankyou !! Posting tommorrow al thanks again
aussie2al Welcome to my nightmare Feedback - 100% 743 0 0 May 12, 2006 #2 Yep, That's the deal. Will try to post tomorrow,Monday at latest. Thanx mate
aussie2al Welcome to my nightmare Feedback - 100% 743 0 0 May 18, 2006 #3 Recieved cards mate,Thanx again.
hsv006 Old perth boy Feedback - 100% 454 0 0 May 22, 2006 #4 YES...finally arrived... deal completed Many thanks mate for the BONUS rookie cards....