How is Lebrons 'image' effected with FA?


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Probably a lame thing to discuss but before the free agency kicked off I was determined to not care where Lebron ends up.

I really dislike the man. Can't put a finger on it exactly, but I think it is his perceived superiority complex. The crying(yes, like Dwight), the strutting after every dunk or shot. Maybe it's the flailing arms on being touched in play by an opponent....I'm not sure exactly. Whatever it is, I'm not a fan...

(Don't mistaken my personal dislike for thinking he can't play...because WOW..we know he can play.)

Anywho, I have seen that he is 'possibly'(who actually knows right) thinking of going back to the Cavs and this actually made me 'like' the idea slightly. Going back to the place it all started, young team he can mentor(minus the stuff mentioned above) and help get straight. The potential for that team in a year or 2 looks really good.

I guess the Heat fans would hate him, but where do the rest of the fans sit?
The Cavs Fans?
The Lebron fans?
The Lebron 'bashers'?
Those on the fence?

Which are you and what would you think of the move?

I am neither a Cavs fan or a Lebron fan, I'm on the fence/small beatings here and there.....but I like the idea of him going back and would prob watch with some (very small :cautious:) interest.

P.S: Oh the shame...I wrote all that about Lebron...:cry:
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I liked Lebron early on (even had a cavs jersey), but I think the decision and all the heat fanboys/bandwagon fans (sorry legit heat fans) really rubbed people the wrong way, myself included. I would like for him to return to the Cavs as a bit a redemption tale, and I think I could support him again in doing so. But as it is, I don't 'hate' him or wish him to loose or anything, I just don't think much of his personality.

All that said tho, he is undeniably one of the greatest, so I'll enjoy watching his game wherever he goes. And also, this whole process has made this offseason really interesting as I think his decision will be a deciding factor on where the other big name FA's go.
I can't stand the guy. I'm the same, I can't put my finger on why but I put it down to my best mate idolising him.

I hope he doesn't go back to the Cavs. I really like watching Kyrie play and would watch less if Lebron was there.

My preference would be to see him at the Lakers playing alongside Kobe. Not sure if that is a possibility...
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