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Cracked open my first box in almost 20 years an 08-09 Fleer Hobby Box.

Here are the inserts I got.

Lebron James Genuine Coverage
Dwight Howard Feel the Game
O.J Mayo and Patrick Ewing Jr Throwback Classics

15 Classic 86 Rookie Cards
12 Base Rookie Cards

No Rose in either dammit

5 Tri-Rookies got the Rose/Beasley/Mayo

6 Classic 89 cards nothing to exciting

So was it a good/average/crap box for the $90 tag?
I think the amount of hits is right. Retail only has 1 GU/Auto.

For $90 it must be HOBBY, and he got 3 GU. Cant find specifics for the box but sounds right.

'How did I do?'
About average. You definately didnt get your $90 back. No auto. No big names. But this is an entry level product. Hopefully you got close to a full set of commons and enjoyed the bust. Thats all that matters.

Next time try 09-10 UD Hobby. Better value IMO. You get the same amount of hits but a chance of HOT Box, every pack will have a hit.
if you only got one jersey it was def a retail box. still fun to break tho.. espcially if you can pull a retro rose rookie!
Sounds right. The Lebron is obviously the best, but they aren't numbered so its not worth that much. Few handy players. Pitty you didnt get some Rose mojo. 09-10 UD sells for about the same. They arent many big pulls in the Fleer other than some nice AUTOs but you can easily get no auto or an average player.

Did you enjoy it mate? You collect a certain team or player?

20 years ago. So you have some early 90s stuff?
No starting fresh in a moment of generosity back in the day I gave my entire collection to be my brother than all was lost in a flood a couple of years later.
No starting fresh in a moment of generosity back in the day I gave my entire collection to be my brother than all was lost in a flood a couple of years later.

Oh bad luck mate :(

The box was alright, but if you're going to chase the set the Rose RC could set you back maybe $5 lol
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