Hill33's E-X Group Buy Box Results x 2


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When the boxes arrived, I picked two random boxes from 2 cases - Case 1 Box 4 (1/4 my birthday) and Case 3 Box 3 (33 - do I need to explain?).

I busted them Tuesday night when they got here, but didn't want to post my results until a few people had a chance to bust theirs. Here are the results :

Box 1/4 Busted First - the hits were :


Box 3/3 Busted Second - the hits were :


Could have been worse.......

but it wasn't :)

Box 1/4 2nd Pack MOJO!!


Michael Jordan Essential Credentials Future #70/77

It doesn't get any better than that ....

Or maybe it does!!

Box 3/3 2nd Pack MOJO!!!


Lebron James Essential Credentials Future #75/75


I normally have rotten luck on these breaks (just ask ScottE - while I was busy busting Gabe Pruitt Auto redemptions he gets an Isaiah Thomas White Refractor auto #/10!) so glad to finally have gotten some decent luck. Hope there is plenty of mojo left in the cases for others.
That is INCREDIBLE!!! MJ Trade looming :)

What were those 6 cards before the MJ??

First 3 were the other hits from Box 1, the second 3 the other hits from box 2 :)

I don't know anyone that collects MJ - at least anyone that doesn't store them in folders ;)
Oh my god LeBron and Jordan Thats a sweet pull man............

So i guess your keen to get another Group Buy going them........;)
you deserve those mate thanks for organising the box share.
they are nice looking cards.
hope theres still mojo left for us .lol:thumbsup:
Hell yeah! loving that Jordan!!! Still needing that one!!!

Crazy hits mate!!!!

If ur coming to the get together, u gotta bring them!!!!

I'd love to see that MJ!!!!!
Thank you guys. I did the first box in the afternoon and waited till Morgan got home till I opened the second box. As soon as I opened the pack and saw the orange card, I said "No way!" and then saw the name James and just went off :lol:

Very good fun!

I've got a Topps Finest group buy happening - maybe the product is too new and too expensive at the moment ? Should I just do another two cases of e-x ?
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