Got these ones the past few weeks... Hope you like them!
2005-06 SP Game Used Authentic Fabrics Dual Patch /15
2003-04 Ultimate Collection Patches /100
2002-03 Finest Refractors Gold /25
2005-06 Upper Deck Game Patches /25
It is getting tougher and tougher to get Hill's game used... There aren't many base GU's that I dont have so I will be paying good money to get the rest of them...
These other cards are for Sale or trade for Hill GU's or maybe MJ Rare Inserts... Please let me know if you are interested... Give me a good offer :
Thanks guys for loving them... It will probably take another couple of months before I can post anymore hill patches as there aren't many showing up on ebay at the moment... And if they show up they go for high price so got to look at my budget as well