Well its been a while since ive posted a mailday! But seeing as i have sold a chunk of my LBJ PC and decided to concentrate on MJ here are some pickups i got in April this year.
The Triple Double is a Pop 5 believe it or not. Super super hard to grade high.
Wow, Love them all but the Triple Double card I remember was the first insert I needed bad, I never packed a Jordan one but got one off a good friend back in 93/94 he did me mates rates $40 which a lot back then, all the others I have never physically laid eyes on only seen pictures, Love the high grades.
Wow, Love them all but the Triple Double card I remember was the first insert I needed bad, I never packed a Jordan one but got one off a good friend back in 93/94 he did me mates rates $40 which a lot back then, all the others I have never physically laid eyes on only seen pictures, Love the high grades.
great grade on the triple double! i remember pulling barkley and kenny anderson and the chips on the edges were awful not to mention none of us who ever pulled those as kids kept them in anything other than a screw down, sleeve, top loader or elastic band!