Hick's lawer charged now? What a crock!!!


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Just saw on the news Major Mori, the military lawer for David Hicks has been threatened with charges for insubordination and contemptuous language against the President and vice-President. I mean, how can you NOT hold those two in contempt??? Did anyone see the program about a week or so ago, the televised debate between Mori, Cheney, Ruddock, etc? He was tearing both of them a new one! :lol: Now Howard's saying any further delay in the trial will result in demands he be brought home. But I'll believe that when I see it, I think...
Howard is just a lying moron (edited to keep clean) who should be voted out at the next election, as he does not give a crap about civil rights.

I still don't know how an Australian can be arrested for treason by Americans.

Hicks should have been brought home years ago.
I still don't know how an Australian can be arrested for treason by Americans.

I think you will find it will be an american lawyer as he isn't in the australian military. Hicks was caught training to to kill Australian's, why should be be brought back here and released?
who said released? He should be tried by Australians, not Americans who just want him to rot.

And I was talking about Hicks, not his Lawyer.
I think you will find it will be an american lawyer as he isn't in the australian military. Hicks was caught training to to kill Australian's, why should be be brought back here and released?

it dosnt matter wht he did or didnt do, nobody deserves to be prisoned without charge (especially 5 yrs).
Howard is using this as an election stunt.
if hicks comes back to australia, hicks will be released. if you can murder a child and get 5 years jail, he will get nothing
Did he actually kill any Australians?

For that matter can you say without a doubt he WOULD have (if he hasn't done so yet)?

I just don't think everything should be as black and white as people seem to view things, I am not saying he should be free, but if it was happening to you (thats an in general use of the word you), being held with no apparent rights, I don't think you'd appreciate the tactics. You would want to be tried as quickly as genuinely possible, rather than endure bullshit stalling tactics.

My problem is with the basic abuse of human rights.
My problem with the Hicks situation is this: when there was the war between the Serbs, Croats, Muslims, etc, Hicks was over there fighting on the side of the Muslims (a "seperatist" group fighting against the "lawful" Serbian government, and did Howard, or any Australian for that matter, have a problem? Why wasn't he brought back and charged then? At least there he did some actual fighting, rather than be caught at a bu-stop heading out of the city he was holed up in. And some of you say he was trying to kill Aussie soldiers? He may have thought about it, even had a gun, but even the Americans are acknowledging he never fired a shot in anger, which is more than we can say for the "American Taliban" who's now either released, or in a US Federal prison under MUCH better conditions. And as for the thing with his lawer, "land of the free" indeed! Yeah, your free to roll over and agree with the government/prosecution, or your free to get charged basicly with treason, and go to jail yourself. It's always nice to have a choice, isn't it??? :roll: I mean, if this is the "democracy we're fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan for, looks to me like the pretty much had it under the former rulers. Not that I agree with those guys, but it's a bit hard to do all the "moral" posturing when this is happening in the US, IMO...
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