Hey There Fellow Addicts


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My name is Arthur. I live in Birmingham, AL and am 22 years old.

I've been collecting for roughly 15 years and collecting Gerald Wallace since he came into the league. My collection is very extensive and something i'm very proud of. I think i'm like 2 or 3 rookies short and maybe 4 or 5 gu short of being a "super collector".....might as well be anyway.

I am an Alabama fan and Gerald went to Alabama, where my man crush began. Very proud of him.....1st Team All-Defense made me :worthy: to the coaches that voted for him. He should have been on it for the last 3 or 4 years. Anywho, I spend my time playing guitar, collecting and watching pretty much every sport there is.

Great to be on here. Feel free to ask questions about me or my collection.:wave:
Gday Arthur!

Great intro, welcome to the site!.

He certainly was a beast this past season, caught my attention for sure!

Put a website or bucket link in your sig when you get a chance, would love to check out some of the collection!
G'day Arthur.
Thanks for sharing that info with us mate. Hope you can find those few cards you need for your collection.

Great to have another dedicated player collector along mate! Look forward to seeing your collection in full :)
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