Hey guys?


06 07 Tyrus thomas only
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I need some advice im maiking a paypal acount and im not sure which acount to choose:

Personal acount?

Premier acount?

Bussiness acount?

just sought of curoius to know who on here uses which one or which one is basicly good for oztrader and ebay etc?
go with personal then if someone ever needs to pay you with credit card u can upgrade instantly...Personal accounts have no fees for accepting payment but u cant accept credit cards
I am pretty sure there is a fee of 3.4% + extra little something for personal and 2.4% + extra little something for premier. Hence I went for premier.

It's all written on the paypal site under a link at the pages bottom 'Fees'
Dang I didn't read that fees page well when I did it! hahaha yeah free for non-credit card...hmmm I think I might have liked to stay with that then...
lol Nenjabin... I have a personal account as I never sell anything on Ebay so I don't need to accept credit card payments.
Yeah see I started selling a couple of things and read it but should have prob limited people to no credit card...but eh, too late now! doesn't cost me to send which is all good and only get paid to it rarely, I prefer direct bank deposit.
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