I've been chasing this card for ages, and saw it on Ebay.
Set up my bid, and won it. Got the card, and there's no numbering on it.
There's a patch up the top left of the card (back) where it looks like stamping/number SHOULD be, but nothing.
Sent email to seller day after I received the "Platinum Medallion #/13" Lucky 13 Devin RC.
Havent had a response, and it's been about 1 month since..
Here's scans of the card.
I posted it on Beckett, and they told me it's from the Fleer Auctions, and that it's not his Legit Platinum RC.
Took my balls in my hand, and left a Negative Feedback. Had to do it, as they've had a couple more of them listed on Ebay since mine was won.
I SHOULD have looked at the negatives on their feedback, but..... again, I failed to do so. Oh well. See what happens.
Scotty probably did asked but knowing that seller, he never communicates. So I guess you have to trusts what the auction title & info was.
However, I also encountered a similar situation myself but I claim responsibility because I didn't asked him what the serial'd or to confirm whether this was the short printed version. Therefore, I completed my transaction and that's the end of that.
It says print run of 75 blah blah blah. We exchanged e-mails after auction ended and I asked what the exact serial was for this card. He told me it wasn't serial'd at all, but Beckett stated this card is short printed to 75. I hit my head on the table but again, I claim responsibility for not asking him earlier.
I've seen those UD Game Jersey Metallics cards being numbered out of /75 before. Ah well, it's still a hell of a sweet looking card. It'll be my second one.