henkita217 & baller2380


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henkita217 will send baller2380 $$$ within 7 days or earlier from today.

baller2380 will send henkita217 | 03-04 Upper Deck Glass | Allen Iverson VIP Game Used Jersey | #5/25

baller2380, please confirm your OK for this deal, ta!
We have both agreed to a deal which henkita217 will make payment of $90AUD for the 2003-04 UD Glass Allen Iverson VIP JSY card #D to 25. In return I will send the item to henkita217 with postage cost and insurance covered. Please send me your address and the item will be sent ASAP.

My Bank Details is as follows:

Commonwealth bank
Name: Do Hyun Kim
BSB: 2128
Account: 10116165

Please make payment as soon as the item has been received. Thank you
The Allen Iverson Glass MVP JSY #D to 25 has been posted today January 14, 2006 via registered delivery confirmation. When item has been received please make payment to the account above of $90 AUD. Also please don’t forget to leave me a feedback Thank you~ ;)
baller2380 said:
The Allen Iverson Glass MVP JSY #D to 25 has been posted today January 14, 2006 via registered delivery confirmation. When item has been received please make payment to the account above of $90 AUD. Also please don’t forget to leave me a feedback Thank you~ ;)

Great, thanks Baller. I will deposit as soon as it arrives.
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