Help needed RLWC Kangaroo jerseys stolen


OzCard Lifer
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Hey guys ran this past G to see if i should post it here & was given the thumbs up
I have a cousin who played for the Kangaroos at the recent World Cup, on his return to Sydney the brilliant baggage handlers there "misplaced" one of his kit bags. As you do u go through the usual channels to try regain that bag. Once back in QLD he is notified that his bag was located & will be returned to him. On inspection of the returned bag the following content was missing
RLWC winners medal (only 17 were made)
3 x Playing jerseys used at the cup
So if anybody knows or heard of any of these items floating around could you pm me

Thanks guys
Hey Grant,

I'll bump this for you.

Dog act, I can't believe anyone would take it, like what can you do with it, hang it on a wall and tell people you stole it, put it in a cupboard never to be seen again?

Hope he recovers it.

I'm surprised this hasn't attracted media attention, we've all read or heard stories of what the baggage handlers get up to, at a guess the player is either James Tamou or Josh Papali?.
Hey guys ran this past G to see if i should post it here & was given the thumbs up
I have a cousin who played for the Kangaroos at the recent World Cup, on his return to Sydney the brilliant baggage handlers there "misplaced" one of his kit bags. As you do u go through the usual channels to try regain that bag. Once back in QLD he is notified that his bag was located & will be returned to him. On inspection of the returned bag the following content was missing
RLWC winners medal (only 17 were made)
3 x Playing jerseys used at the cup
So if anybody knows or heard of any of these items floating around could you pm me

Thanks guys
just goes to show what happened with shapelle corby, was it the handlers, you can not trust anybody these days, if you plan on going overseas, you must first make a detailed list of items you are carrying then you must!!! take a comprehensive video of your luggage right up until you hand your luggage to the check in. then from the time you pick up your items until you open them, have a second and third copy, just so you have a spare in case the government accidently !!!!! loses it. You could do up a legal document and have the carrier sign it, just to hold them liable.; this seams like a lot of trouble does'nt it , it's like paying a doctor big !!!! MONEY to do an operation, and they admit no fault and there is no liability even if they leave a surgical instrument inside you.
Morale is you do not trust aircraft personnel with your items.
Seriously you ask for help but don't give the players details, what's the big deal with it...
Because the players were given 2 jerseys per match they are rare pretty much 1 of 1s which would never hit the open market & we never wanted them faked or counter fitted as those jerseys were destined for Family or for fundraisers back in NZ. You wouldnt believe how many people back where we are from support the Kangaroos
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