help needed can't get mail from the us because i only have a po box

Big T

Daequan Cook + Mike Bibby super collector
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so brought a card from a fella in the states all good paid but have been issue a full refund as he can't get delivery confirmation to my po box. where i live we don't have mail delivered so i am forced to have a po box. is there anything i can do?
all i can think of is get it sent to a close family or friend who lives by you. That is your best bet
Yeah i would explain to him that you want it posted to a different address through ebay messages.
Paypal wont accept a PO Box as the registered address.

Most sellers who are mailing an expensive card (especially overseas) will only send to the address provided through paypal.

So you will probably need to change your address in paypal to which ever address you want them to send to, before winning the item.
already won the item bud but can get delevery confirmation because of the po box. Not my fault the stupid postie out here quick and shut the pst office, can get mail 5km up the road
already won the item bud but can get delevery confirmation because of the po box. Not my fault the stupid postie out here quick and shut the pst office, can get mail 5km up the road
Ahhh. I see! Sorry mate

If I can help at all just ask ;) but go with family or close friends would be the best!

Or, can you use the address of your post office as the delivery address??

But come to think of it... I have had delivery confirmation to my PO Box before!
id rather trust the postal service rather than a relative
thats what i was thinking of doing was using the po office address
I would check with the PO first though!

Don't really want to risk it if you are not certain. And also let them know it is coming!

I just bought a couple of 1/1's and I had the seller send to my PO Box instead of the address on my paypa and they did it no problem! But I have bought from them before... and I have over 100 + FB
You will get delivery confirmation for your PO box - done it heaps of times, basically my Dacardworld orders get send to it.

I know it's too late but for anyone thinking of using PO box, the main thing is to add your PO box address to your credit card 1st and then paypal.
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