Just when I thought all the luck was with me for once I have been caught out with my Gaming stock. I searched around for what I was recommended to get in but the only place that had it all was Dacards, only problem is that due to some agreement with the new companies making them is that they can only sell to and ship within the US. I have spoken to Shawnbradleyfan but he does not seem confident dealing in a pretty decent sized order price wise.
So what I need is someone trustworthy here who also knows someone they can trust in the US to help me out.
Happy to pay for the trouble but kinda stuck right now
Re: HELP ME with GAMING ! I need someone in the US to forward stock to me ! details b
1. You can contact an import/export agency here in Australia to deal with ordering international stock if they don't wish to send directly to you internationally. That way, the contacts they have in the states can accept stock on their side so that you can receive it back here. I don't know of any in Perth, as I'm on the other side of Australia. This is an example of one in Brisbane; Home - EDI Customs Brokers
2. You need a wholesale account with an Australian stockist. Save yourself some trouble in every part of your shop by getting an account with the following; Ikon Collectables - Australian wholesale supplier and distributor of Action Figures, Toys, Cards, Replicas, Collectables and T-Shirts.