Hello everybody my name is Damien
I live in France and i'm a Ricky Davis fan and i only collects his cards and basketball cards.
This site looks like cool and I hope I can find some Ricky D. here
Best regards from France. Damien.
Thank you everbody for the reception
In France Ricky D. is not really appreciated, people says he looks like cocky Just for information you know the name of the other Ricky D. collector ?
jimboiitimac : Ricky was the best player of the Heat last year !! Better that D.Wade
Welcome to the site mate. I am still a bit new, but heck the welcoming has been great so far. i've even done a few deals with a couple of blokes from France, and you guys are alright.
You got any Michael Jordan medium-high end inserts you would like to sell please?? Mersee