This looks an interesting site. I am not too good on websites so I hope this is in the correct place.
I am looking for Saddle Club cards, including the holographic cards. I also have dozens of spare Saddle Club Cards to sell or trade. These cards are in mint condition.
If anybody is interested I can list which spare cards I have. This may take a few days as I am currently sorting through them, time pending.
I am looking forward to meeting you sometime soon. I feel all alone and lost here.
Hello OutlawNinja, GarnettFan4Life, and ace_e, thanks heaps for the welcome. It is appreciated.
ace_e, many thanks for the offer to purchase Harley Davidson cards. I will finish sorting my horse cards and then may be purchase your cards. I feel like a kid with Saddle Club cards.
I am very impressed there is rules for posting cards. I am not sure about the top load part so I am going to spend some time reading here.
Welcome to the site Sue. Hope you enjoy your time here. Pretty sure Saddle Club wasn't something I ever collected, my old man had some Harley Davidson cards, will see if I can track them down. That was a long time ago now though.
OK you guys, be brave and admit you really do have the odd Saddle Club card (or more). I have to keep collecting them now as I have about 800 of them and no complete set. Shame Job!!