I have some 12,000+ NFL cards and would like to get rid of them.
There are way too many to sell on ebay and wanted to sell them to a store but am struggling to find any stores in Melbourne area that seam to sell or buy NFL cards.
If anyone could help with where I might be able to get rid of them or if someone might like to make an offer on them.
I don't want to collate them as I don't have the time.
Could someone help please.
What era and manufacturers are they? I dont have a heap of experience in breaking up a lot of cards for sale but Id say If they are mainly base or low level rookies and inserts then maybe by putting them in team/player lots you may get a few dollars for each depending what you have either here or ebay. Jerseys, auto's, etc could sell here or ebay depending on who and what. Check ebay completed listings for a ball park on singles....
Put some scans up of the nice ones (hits, etc) or some idea on team/player lots, you may get some interest here if they are priced to move
Started to put them into groups but just too many.
Some of the groups that I did start to collate are,
1994 TOPPS 1957 reprints 138 of them
1994 TOPPS 1956 reprints 118 of them
1992 ComicBall 431 of them
1991 Fleer Ultra 445 of them
2000 TOPPS Chrome 143 of them
2000 TOPPS 274 of them
2007 Score 249 of them
Just way too many to organize.
There are also some folders that are organized into mainly 49er's
Are there any jeseys, autos, notable rookies or star player inserts (Favre, Elway, Montana, etc) If it is mostly base you may get a few dollars in team lots but it honestly may not be worth the hassle and either chuck em, or put them on Gumtree and see if anyone will give ya $100ono for local pickup and take petty much any offer you get
You may get a few dollars for team lots and a few diff Barry Sanders cards or other greats/superstars may get you a few dollars dlvd but It looks like a lot of base so maybe again, gumtree or ebay as a pickup only would be the best option as the postage would be pretty high on it as a "lot".... I dare say trying to sell any other way would be a waste of time and money..... I got boxes of base and Id seriously just chuck them before Id even bother to sort them for any kind of resale exercise for the most part....
Could you tell me what would be a good source to find out what cards are worth. With 15,000+ cards counted and still going, might be worth looking into who was good or not.
Cards were left to me so in no great hurry to sell as no financial tied up in them so can take my time and do some more research on them.
I hear Becketts is a good source.
Is that right or should I look else where for information.
If anyone wants a particular card that would make a set for the, I could look and see as with so many I may have what someone is looking for but might take some time to look.
Most of the cards appear to be in very good condition with only the ?Chromes having curved but not bent so no creases.
Check Ebay.com (make sure it's .com not .com.au) completed listings... that's about the only real source if you want to know if it will sell and what it would sell for....
You could use beckett.com for their "priceguide" but it costs (I thing one month subscription is around $6 from memory). And this only gives their guide, what they tend to sell for on ebay is completely different.
Base Score, Topps etc sell for very little. But you may have the odd nice RC in there of guys that took off after their rookie season and have become top calibre guys. Someone like Tom Brady comes to mind.
Look for numbered inserts, especially low numered one /25, /50 ect.. and all hall of fame players, B Sanders, Emmitt Smith, Elway, Marino, Jerry Rice, to name a few, those are the ones I would pull and try and sell. I am always looking for some low numbered insert from the 90s. are there any numbered inserts?