Been going through a bit of an odd collecting time lately and picking up a few different things
First up a couple of cards I have always said I would pick up but had never go around to doing it.
Next up a pick up for the mrs after she watched an episode of Pitbulls & Parolees and saw Z-Bo help them out and said she wanted something of him lol
Something about this card really spoke to me when I saw it for some weird reason
This Joakim was the last one needed to complete the set of these. Again one that I had delayed picking up for awhile and his auto pretty much summed me up when I got it.
A couple of hits from some group breaks
As expected there are always a couple of Dwights in my mailday
Finally the Durants managed to pick up a few really nice pieces
Something not card related but still very sweet and needs to get to the framers ASAP