I bought a card on April 12th, and paid it off over three weeks.
Postage was $35 for one card, but I paid it knowing what I was to get.
Nothing showed up, so I contacted. Sorry I can't ship it without your phone number on the invoice, so I gave him my number.
And I wait, yesterday I told him it looks like a rip off and where's the card ?
Well I'm sorry to say, but his Mother died. This could be terrible news.
He has 3500 positive feedbacks at 100%, what should I do ?
Tell him that you will put in a claim JUST before the 45 days to cover yourself, but he can trust you to close it when the card arrives. After all, he is asking you to trust him that he is still sending it!
Yeah what Adam said dude. It DOES sound coincidental, but could be telling the truth. It wouldnt take much to a.) refund your money (2mins, if that) or b.) post the card off (20mins, if that).
If you don't file that claim, then you could be in trouble should they either not, or not be able to post your card(s) off.
Tell him that you will put in a claim JUST before the 45 days to cover yourself, but he can trust you to close it when the card arrives. After all, he is asking you to trust him that he is still sending it!
I wouldn't wait I would start a claim now & send him a Email via the claim asking him when he will post your cards as it's been .....days since you paid & wait for a responce. If you don't get one in 3 days elevate it to a claim.The important thing here is to start building your case now not in 45 days. At least this way anything he saids is on record with Paypal.