I bought a card on April 12th, and paid it off over three weeks.
Postage was $35 for one card, but I paid it knowing what I was to get.
Nothing showed up, so I contacted. Sorry I can't ship it without your phone number on the invoice, so I gave him my number.
And I wait, yesterday I told him it looks like a rip off and where's the card ?
Well I'm sorry to say, but his Mother died. This could be terrible news.
He has 3500 positive feedbacks at 100%, what should I do ?
Postage was $35 for one card, but I paid it knowing what I was to get.
Nothing showed up, so I contacted. Sorry I can't ship it without your phone number on the invoice, so I gave him my number.
And I wait, yesterday I told him it looks like a rip off and where's the card ?
Well I'm sorry to say, but his Mother died. This could be terrible news.
He has 3500 positive feedbacks at 100%, what should I do ?