I've had three or four replies from them in the past fortnight from the address below. It took about two weeks, but they credited my account to cover the cost of forwarding mail that had been incorrectly sent to me onto the correct recipient.
I've had three or four replies from them in the past fortnight from the address below. It took about two weeks, but they credited my account to cover the cost of forwarding mail that had been incorrectly sent to me onto the correct recipient.
I've said it before but I'll say it again, quit using these guys now before they lose one of your packages and proceed to not give a F about it.... Trust me
Shipped a 5 pound package out yesterday full of cards, NFL mini helmets, books, etc.
Thoughts and prayers I guess ahaha sh*t was $143 AUD if they lose it I'm gonna die
Just had a fairly sizeable package get consolidated on MMB
19 cards (including some BGS graded)
2 pairs of stance socks
1 book
4 little packs of Taco Bell chips
4 one touches
Add in the $15USD fees for consolidating, and I can get all this stuff sent out to me here (tracked) for $61 AUD
Good sh*t... MMB remains the best
How are you guys going with them
Just had a fairly sizeable package get consolidated on MMB
19 cards (including some BGS graded)
2 pairs of stance socks
1 book
4 little packs of Taco Bell chips
4 one touches
Add in the $15USD fees for consolidating, and I can get all this stuff sent out to me here (tracked) for $61 AUD
Good sh*t... MMB remains the best
How are you guys going with them
8 tees? Something isn't up there... I could get 2 shipped for like $20 USD, so that sucks.
Gotta say that some of the stuff they repack is super super cheap in the end tho