THeres probably someone out there holding on until you need 1 last letter and "bam" $500 starting bid!
I remeber a few years back a mate of mine was at the "national" card convention in the US. Someone had 13 of the 97/98 UD Jersey Autograph MJ /23. DACW had one on their table with a price of something crazy like $20,000. When asked why so much, they said becuase when he has 22 he's gonna pay whatever I want!
ahh damn i think he'd almost be the biggest devin collector on the face of the planet not just in aus hahaha... would i be correct in assuming there is only one set of letterman's for each player that has them??
that is gunna be great when u complete that set
EDIT: hey guys/gals i would like to find out more about these letterman cards if anyone has any info (such as what players/what sets u can pull them in/what yr) could u please PM me, would be muchly appreciated thanks